08:30 School opening session
09:00 The Design Science Paradigm as a Frame for Empirical Software Engineering Per Runeson, Lund University
Session chair: Tayana Conte (UFAM)
10:20 Short interval
10:45 What I wish I knew when... Carolyn Seaman, University of Maryland
Session chair: Leopoldo Teixeira (UFPE)
13:00 Mentoring for PhD students and early-career researchers
14:00 Software Engineering Theory in Practice: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Mauricio Aniche, Adyen // Universidade Tecnológica de Delft
Session chair: Patricia Machado (UFCG)
15:20 Short interval
15:45 Ética em sistemas algorítmicos: Quais as lições dos últimos 5 anos

Nina da Hora, Thoughtworks
Session chairs: Alfredo Goldman (USP) and Ivan Machado (UFBA)
17:00 Mentoring for PhD students and early-career researchers

08:00 Mentoring for PhD students and early-career researchers
09:00 Validity in Software Engineering Research Norbert Siegmund, Leipzig University
Session chair: Sergio Soares (UFPE)
10:20 Short interval
10:45 Entrega Contínua para Machine Learning (CD4ML)

Danilo Sato, Thoughtworks UK
Session chair: Uirá Kulesza (UFRN)
13:00 Mentoring for PhD students and early-career researchers
14:00 A Non-Designed Career on Software Design Research and Education Andre van der Hoek, University of California
Session chair: Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR)
15:20 Short interval
15:45 Panel: Research in Software Engineering at Academia, Industry, Brazil and/or abroad: revealing the possible ways to achieve success Joanna C. S. Santos (Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame, USA)
Marcio Ribeiro (Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal de Alagoas)
Gustavo Pinto (Universidade Federal do Pará and ZUP)
17:00 School closing session