
Ana Paiva

Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal

Test Automation

Automated testing is challenging but necessary to test the increasingly complex existing software applications. One way to automate testing activities is through model-based testing (MBT). In model-based testing (MBT), models function as oracles to decide whether test cases pass or fail. Models are usually created on purpose for MBT either textual or graphical. Models used in MBT are diverse depending on the characteristics to be tested.

This talk presents a research path followed to overcome the challenges of automated testing by combining model-based testing and reverse engineering. Along the way, the expressive power of the models used and the modeling effort decrease, as the test objective becomes more focused, yet applicable to a wider range of software applications. Finally, it presents recent research developing a fully automatic technique capable of testing web applications in a maintenance context.

Ana Paiva (publishes as Ana C. R. Paiva). Ana Paiva is Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Informatics Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) where she works since 1999. She is a researcher at INESC TEC. She teaches subjects like Software Testing, Formal Methods and Software Engineering, among others. She has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FEUP with a thesis titled 'Automated Specification Based Testing of Graphical User Interfaces'. She is the director of the Master in Software Engineering (MESW). She has published more than 80 papers in international conferences and scientific journals, and she has been involved in several research projects. Her research interests include software testing, test automation, mobile testing and mutation testing. She is co-founder of the Portuguese Software Testing Qualification Board (PSTQB).


Maurício Aniche

Adyen // Universidade Tecnológica de Delft, Holanda

Software Engineering Theory in Practice: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (jointly with 2nd LATAM School in SE)

Software engineering is and will always be a craft. That being said, we are now closer than ever to make it a more science-based, evidence-based profession. To get there faster, we need a strong alignment between industry and academia. As someone that moved from industry to academia and back, I have had the opportunity to see the good, the bad and the ugly of both sides.

In this talk, I will describe, through many examples from industry and academia, where both worlds are aligned perfectly, and where they are not. I aim to explain to academics what practitioners really need from research, and to practitioners what it means to be a science-based field. Sometimes in a provocative way.

It is my hope that, after this talk, academics and practitioners will understand each other better. Because, remember: we are better together.

Dr. Maurício Aniche é Tech Academy Lead na Adyen, uma das mais importantes fintechs do planeta. Grande parte do seu trabalho é ajudar times de desenvolvimento de software a fazerem seu trabalho melhor. Maurício é também professor assistente em engenharia de software na Universidade Tecnológica de Delft, na Holanda. Maurício já escreveu 40 artigos acadêmicos e publicou diversos livros técnicos, entre eles, o 'Effective Software Testing', publicado pela Manning em 2022, e o TDD no Mundo Real, primeiro livro sobre o assunto em português brasileiro, em 2012.